What is TRE®
TRE® is a series of mild stretching & gentle fatiguing exercises designed to elicit a shaking mechanism known as neurogenic tremors.
From what we understand currently, when human’s go into a state of arousal or perceive a threat, our bodies experience a physiological response & stress energy known as fight or flight. Consistent hyper-arousal over time results in tension patterns that disrupt our natural energy flow & biorhythms. Chronic issues can begin to manifest when we are unable or don’t know how to release this energy & return to our natural baseline & heal cellular memory. We call this trauma. The TRE® practice helps release tension, tightness, & holding patterns among other trauma & stress related symptoms. Often stored deeply at the core & in multiple layers, TRE® safely & gradually releases this built-up energy & restores our natural capacity to experience life. TRE® can sometimes be supplemented by various therapies & other emerging care practices such as plant medicines & microdosing protocols to support holistic healing & evolution.
This modality is revered globally & facilitates close connections & bonds within practicing families & communities.
“The vibration created during the exercises presents us with an opportunity to access the place where matter interfaces with pure energy. ”
benefits of tre®
TRE® can benefit people with a variety of traumatic or stress related experiences whether lifestyle induced or from occupational demands such as body workers, therapists, first responders, military, etc. TRE® is a practice that helps release an overstressed or stuck nervous system to return a person or a group of people to a sense of ease, peace, & wholeness. Dr. Berceli & TRE® providers can facilitate individual & group healing with TRE® at a global scale.
Navigating intentionally from this innate response, TRE® can help those who practice regularly to embody relevant information that previously existed only at a cognitive or emotional level. This practice does not espouse any religious or belief systems & can be seen as the universal language between people—a practice that if adopted collectively could help us live more & more often from the human, solution focused, empathic part of our brain, the neocortex.
Many benefits can emerge from a consistent TRE® practice which can include:
lessened or reduced
interpersonal conflict & distress
symptoms of Complex PTSD (anxiety, depression, irritability, lack of focus, physical tension, angst, worry)
symptoms of vicarious trauma
Dissociative states
muscle & back pain
fatigue, depression & moodiness
holding patterns of jaw, shoulders, neck, hips
improved OR EXPANDED
sleep patterns & rest
creativity & motivation
mind body connection
mental & physical flexibility
energy & endurance
emotional resiliency
clarity & intuition
relationship satisfaction